Moscow City Election – 2023

- Introduction to the Candidates
- GUIDE: How to Register to Vote and Vote
This year in the City of Moscow, three City Council seats and school board seats for Zones 1, 3, and 4, are up for election. For the city council race, the winners will be whichever candidates receive the top three sets of votes, while the school board trustees will be decided based on who gets the most votes in their respective districts.
School board
School Board Zone 1: Cody Barr (REP), Jim Frenzel (DEM)
School Board Zone 3: Gay Lynn Clyde (REP), Dulce Kersting-Lark (DEM)
School Board Zone 4: Jim Gray (REP), Dawna Fazio (DEM)
City Council Candidates:
Get to know the candidates through our Candidate Candids interview series! These long-form conversations cover more than mere talking points.
Nathan Tupper
Evan Holmes:
Bryce Blankenship
Joe Campbell
Drew Davis
Sandra Kelly

While Sandra was unable to conduct an interview with us, you can find more information about her platform and campaign here:
Voter Registration Info
Early voting starts Oct 25th, and runs through November 3rd. During this period, citizens can go to the Latah County Courthouse between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. and vote. Otherwise, election day is on November 7th, at which time citizens will need to go to their respective precincts to vote (Precinct Map), based on their residential address.
If your permanent residence is here in Moscow, Latah County, Idaho:
To register to vote online ( or at the Latah County clerk’s office or at the polls, you must be a citizen of the United States, 18 years of age, a resident of Idaho and your county for 30 days prior to the election. To prove this, you must provide:
- Idaho-issued identification card or Idaho driver’s license or current US passport
- One approved proof of residence document
Any of the above photo identification with correct residence address:
- Lease or rental agreement
- Utility bill (excluding cellular telephone bill)
- Bank or credit card statement
- Paystub, paycheck, government-issued check
- For students: Enrollment papers from current school year.
Do you have an Idaho state-issued photo identification card (or driver’s license)?
Yes, I have an Idaho state-issued photo identification card (or driver’s license).
Is your address current on it?
If not please update your address online at
Or in person at Latah County DMV, 1313 S. Blaine Street, Moscow, ID 83843.
(No need to pay the $20 new-card fee. The address will be corrected in the state’s system.)
No, I do not have an Idaho state-issued photo identification card (or driver’s license).
Follow the Idaho DMV rules for a driver’s license. Or apply for an Idaho photo identification card:
Bring 1 or 2 (2 will allow you to get a Star Card for travel purposes) of these original documents proving residency that are less than a year old in your current name with current address to the DMV:
- Lease, rental agreement, mortgage, or deed
- Account statement from one or two different utilities (no ¾ page or cell phone bills)
- Account statement from a bank or financial institution
- Medical or insurance provider statement, invoice, or explanation of benefits
- Pay stub or employment verification (it must list your legal name.)
- Idaho school enrollment records with current address (college IDs are not accepted)
- Residency affidavit signed by an adult over age 18
- Vehicle, homeowner’s, or renter’s liability information.
- And bring your birth certificate and social security card.
Have you been recently married and need to update your name on your Idaho state-issued photo identification card (or driver’s license)?
First, change your name on your social security card by taking to Lewiston Social Security Office:
- Maiden name social security card
- Marriage certificate (not the gold-seal version, but the certified copy)
- Must have State File Number, Groom, Bride, and Family (maiden) Name completed
- Birth certificate (recorded copy, not the keepsake copy)
- Maiden name state-issued photo identification card (or driver’s license).
Then, change your name on your Idaho state-issued photo identification card (or driver’s license) at the Latah County DMV, 1313 S. Blaine Street, Moscow, ID 83843.
I was recently married, but I do not have ANY valid photo identification card
- Follow the Idaho DMV rules for a driver’s license.
Or apply for an Idaho state-issued photo identification card (see steps above). Wait for the plastic one to arrive in the mail.
2. Change your name on your social security card by taking to Lewiston:
- Marriage certificate (not the gold-seal version, but the certified copy)
- Must have State File Number, Groom, Bride, and Family (maiden) Name completed
- Birth certificate (recorded copy, not the keepsake copy)
- New Idaho state-issued photo identification card (or driver’s license).
3. Wait 24-48 hours. Then return to DMV in person for your state-issued photo identification card (or driver’s license).
There is a new, free Idaho voting identification card option for people who do not drive. This program began in July 2023, so there is not much information available on it.
The signed affidavit is only to be used if the properly registered voter comes to the polls without a picture identification, and his verbally given address matches the roster. If the addresses do not match, the person must re-register to vote (must go and get the photo identification and proof of address).
As a student , where should I register to vote?
From the Idaho Secretary of State’s website:
“College students must establish, as with all other voter registration applicants, that the locale within which they seek to register and vote is their domicile i.e. that they are living in the college community with the intention of abandoning their former domicile and with the intention of remaining permanently, or for an indefinite length of time, in the new location. Some of the factors which may be relevant in determining whether domicile has been established for voting purposes by a student as well as any other applicant, are as follows:
- Has the applicant registered to vote elsewhere?
- Where does the applicant maintain his checking and saving accounts, if any?
- Where does the applicant pay taxes, and what address did he list as his residence on his last income tax return?
- What is the residence listed on the applicant’s driver’s license?
- If the applicant owns an automobile, where is it registered?
- Does the applicant live year round at his claimed domicile, or does he divide it elsewhere? If it is divided, how much time is spent elsewhere and for what reason?
As a student, you should not be registering and voting in your college locale simply because you failed to register and vote at your true domicile. Registering to vote is a serious matter which should only be done after proper reflection. It should be noted that there is no federal right to vote anywhere in the United States for the office of President. State laws control registration and voting and State residency requirements must be met.”
“We need and want all students to vote at their legal domicile.”
If your permanent residence is in another state, contact your home state’s election division to register and vote (absentee?) there.
Which candidates for city council are members of Christ church?
They seem to be the most sensible candidates.