City and Community Notices

January 2021

City of Moscow Arts Department Call for Art

Moscow Farmers Market seeks qualified design professionals for visual toolkit

The City of Moscow and Farmers Market Commission invite graphic design professionals to submit qualifications for a design toolkit to serve the brand identity of the Moscow Farmers Market with the City of Moscow Community Events Division.
The selected artist, artist team or design firm will work closely with Community Events Division staff to create a style guide and program graphics that are complementary to existing City of Moscow branding.
The successful applicant will demonstrate the ability to create a design toolkit which will bridge the Moscow Farmers Market’s identity as a beloved past-time for both locals and visitors, while also recognizing its history as a leader in developing the region’s food system.
In keeping with the spirit of the Moscow Farmers Market, artists, teams, and firms residing in a 200 air-mile radius of Moscow are eligible to apply. Selection panelists and their immediate family members are not eligible to apply.
To view the full RFQ guidelines and to submit materials visit the following link
Materials are due March 19 at 5 p.m. Submission of materials must be completed at the link above. Emailed or physical submissions will not be accepted.
For additional information regarding the Moscow Farmers Market please visit the following: