Latah County Commissioners Meetings Debrief from 7/31/23 – 8/5/23
A summary of the Latah County Commissioner meetings from the week of July 31st, 2023.
The commissioners began the week with a series of regular monthly meetings with the heads of county departments. On Tuesday, August 1st, the commissioners met with the heads of ITS, Extension, Fairgrounds, Planning & Building, Probation & Youth Services, Disaster Services, Grants, Facilities, and Solid Waste. Typically, at each of these meetings, the department head will give a general update regarding their department’s recent activities, alongside any upcoming decisions or future agenda items that the commissioners should be paying attention to. They also have an option for an executive session should they need to discuss matters relating to personnel with the commissioners, but this is not always required. More information on county departments and the services they provide can be found on the Latah County website.
The commissioners then interacted with two rezone requests. The first had to do with the rezone of a 7 acre portion of a 43 acre parcel located near 103 Reams Road from Agriculture-Forest to Rural Residential, and the second was a rezone of an 11.2 acre property owned by AWR Properties LLC from Agriculture-Forest to Commercial. Both were approved unanimously by the commissioners.
The commissioners then approved the following action items: Resolution 2023-15 in order to obligate state and local fiscal recovery funds, a reimbursement in GEM grant funds for the Hoodoo Water and Sewer District, and a taxpayer’s cancellation adjustment. They also dealt with two retail alcohol beverage licenses for Fugitive LLC and Sasquatch Dearly LLC, before going into their weekly review while sorting through this week’s claims and bills. The commissioners then concluded the day with executive sessions for attorney client communications, personnel issues, and a budget workshop executive session also pertaining to personnel.