Press Release from MPD on Community Alert
Moscow, Idaho. November 22nd.
The Moscow Police Department issued a press release related to yesterday’s Community Alert. They explained their use of the word “unfounded” which led many people to assume this was a fake report.
“This term is used to close an incident that cannot be initially substantiated. However, if additional information is obtained, the incident can be reopened”.
MPD Press Release
See MPD police log about the call.
“I will own that it was a poor word choice” said Rachael Doniger of the ISP in a conversation with Moscow Report. “I will work to provide better clarity on postings and information. That was something I chose to use last night, and will take the blame for that.”
Rachael Doniger went on to explain that the Community Alert resulted in speculation online and from national news outlets, connecting the incident to the homicide case. We would like to clarify that our Community Alert did not imply any connection whatsoever to the homicide case, and we join the MPD in urging the public to refrain from speculation about the investigation.
The father of the two girls issued this statement about the incident:
“In this Thanksgiving season, we thank God for protecting the girls, the neighbors for how quickly they came out to assist the girls in their distress, and to the Moscow Police Department for a quick and professional response last night. We appreciate their desire to clarify their initial press release.”
The MPD worked with the family to release this new and updated press release.
The call for vigilance, both from Moscow Report, and the MPD, remains the same.
Monday evening Blaine Street Incident Update
November 22, 2022 (Moscow, Idaho) — AnchorJust before 5:15 p.m. last night, 911 received a call reporting suspicious activity in the 600 block of Blaine St. A female caller informed the dispatcher that she saw a male in the front passenger seat of her vehicle when she opened the car door. The female, who was with her sister, slammed the car door and ran screaming from the car and called 911. Anchor
Multiple neighbors heard the girls screaming and came to assist. They checked the area but did not find anyone. The neighbors told responding officers that they had not seen anyone in or exit the vehicle. A passerby informed the sisters of seeing a male chasing them and left before speaking with officers. They were unable to confirm these details, and the officer was unaware of this information during the time of the call.
Police checked the area. Officers contacted a male matching the description but learned he and a friend had just returned from a restaurant and the male approached the sisters to help. The male withdrew and waited to talk with officers when accused of being involved.
Based on their knowledge at the time, officers closed the incident as unfounded. This term is used to close an incident that cannot be initially substantiated. However, if additional information is obtained, the incident can be reopened.
Online reports created immediate speculation that implied there was a link to this incident with the ongoing homicide investigation. We urge residents to remain alert and vigilant. Additionally, we remind the public (& media) that investigative releases of information will be through official channels.
Story Contact: Rachael Doniger, PIO Moscow Community
Phone: (208) 883-7181