March for Life: 250 protesters March through Moscow on Saturday
Moscow, Idaho–“We are against abortion because it decapitates, disembowels, and dismembers an innocent human being,” said Andrew Kerin, the speaker at the Pro-Life March.

On Saturday afternoon, about 250 people marched through the streets of Moscow to protest abortion. The Pro-Life March was organized this year by the Moscow Right To Life and Tiny Heartbeat Ministries.
The president of Moscow Right To Life, Lucas Dickson, explained that the March is an annual event that is intentionally organized during the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, which was decided on January 22, 1973.
The march started at Logos School parking lot. Dickson opened in prayer. He also encouraged the crowd to social distance on the march so the focus would be on the abortion issue. Some of the marchers were also wearing face masks.
Then the protesters marched downtown to the grain silos, where the president of Tiny Heartbeat Ministries, Andrew Kerin addressed the crowd.
Kerin said, “If you live in Moscow, you live less than 20 minutes away from a fully functioning baby-killing abortion clinic.”

Kerin said that the abortion crisis in America is very similar to the Holocaust in Germany, where citizens would coldly ignore the smoke and screams from concentration camps nearby. “I want you to ask yourself, ‘What would I have done then?’” Kerin said, challenging the protestors. “The same extent of what you are doing this week is the same extent of what you would have been doing then for the Jews.”
Commenting on Kerin’s speech, Dickson agreed with the analogy, “The reason I stepped in [as president of Moscow Right to Life] is because I really believe there is a Holocaust going on. Here we are 17 miles from an abortion clinic and people aren’t doing anything, we aren’t risking our lives by doing [this event]. The worst we get are some clowns who show up and honk horns at us.”

Two clowns attended the event, blowing horns and whistles as they danced around and waved signs at the pro-life marchers. A third counter protester was there also helping with the horns.
Attendee Nate Miller stated, “To be a Christian you have to be in favor of life. You can’t sit idly on the sidelines. You need to participate and you need to defend people.”

Josh Salmon, another marcher, said, “Doing nothing is technically doing something. [Thus] you are being active in the killing of children by doing nothing. And an event like this on such a significant matter is not to be missed. If you are a Bible-believing Christian and believe that life is sacred, there is no reason not to [go].”
The event lasted a little over an hour. The clowns, however, left with their show before the end.
Photo credits: Blaise Appel
When you write about abortion and such an event perhaps you should include the actual facts, not some right wing lopsided view. Women have the right to control their bodies. If they choose to have an abortion it is not done lightly whether it be for health issues or the inability for a woman to support a child and the difficult decision is theirs alone. The misguided words and signs at these rallies don’t relate to the actuality of this difficult decision.
Alma, murder is never justified, even if it is a “difficult decision.”
If a man kills a pregnant woman, it is considered a double homicide, as it should be. The legal definition of murder includes abortion, as defined by Idaho Code.