Moscow City Council Meeting Debrief from 2/22/22
A summary of the Moscow City Council Meeting from Tuesday, February 22, 2022. Highlights: New Art Installation Commission Code Updates Environment Report...
Latah County Meeting Debrief from 2/13/22 – 2/19/22
A summary of the Latah County Commissioner Meetings from the week of February 19th, 2022. Highlights: Corrections to Previous Video Trail Signage Property Tax Exemptions...
Latah County Commissioner Meetings Debrief from 2/6/22 – 2/12/22
A summary of the Latah County Commissioner Meetings from the week of February 6th, 2022. Highlights: Property Tax Exemptions Public Defense Updates Camping Fee Increases...
Moscow City Council Meeting Debrief from 2/7/22
A summary of the Moscow City Council meeting on February 7th, 2022. Highlights: E-Bike Code Amendment Emergency Services Agreement Bridge Grant Agreement...
Latah County Meeting Debrief from 1/30/22-2/5/22
A summary of the Latah Board of County Commissioners meetings from the week of January 30th, 2022. Highlights: Liquor License Renewals Liquor License Renewal Period...
Latah County Meeting Debrief from 1/23/22-1/29/22
A summary of the Latah Board of County Commissioners meetings from the week of January 23rd, 2021. Highlights: Introduction to County Meetings Executive Session Monday...
Moscow City Council Meeting Debrief from 12/20/2021
A summary of the Moscow City Council Meeting from December 20th, 2021. Five highlights: Financial Reporting Award New Affordable Housing Grants ARPA Funding Program for...
Moscow City Council Meeting Debrief from 12/06/2021
A summary of the Moscow City Council Meeting from December 6th, 2021. Five highlights: Sewer Facilities Charge Proposed Fee Amendments Ordinance Amendment Resolution for the...
Moscow City Council Meeting Debrief from 11/15/2021
A summary of the Moscow City Council Meeting from November 15th, 2021. Three highlights: Election Results Airport Property Transfer Funding Request for a new Fire...
Moscow City Council Meeting Debrief from 11/01/2021
A summary of the Moscow City Council Meeting from November 1st, 2021. Four highlights: Appointment and Confirmation of Cody Riddle 1912 Center Annual Report Moscow...