Dec 5th City Council and Latah County Update

While there’s not a video for this week, Moscow Minutes will still be bringing you the highlights and summaries of the local government goings-on! First, a summary of the Moscow City Council meeting from December 5th, 2022. Second, a summary of the highlights from the Latah County Commissioner meetings from this week. Let’s jump right in!

The Moscow City Council dealt with three action items at this meeting: a public hearing for the Rolling Hills 10th Edition Preliminary Plat, an update to the 2016 Bike Route and Facilities Plan, and an update to Personnel Policies.

The public hearing focused on a preliminary plat, in which the applicant, Ryan Itani, presented on a 6-acre area of land located east of the intersection of Third Street and Sixth Street, to be divided into 20 lots and referred to as the Rolling Hills 10th Addition. This proposal included the extension of Third Street along the Moser Park frontage. The Planning and Zoning Commission conducted a public hearing for this matter on October 26, 2022 and recommended approval of the proposed preliminary plat with no conditions. At the conclusion of the public hearing, the City Council approved the proposal unanimously.

The update to the bike route and facilities plan included specific routes and treatments of different kinds of bike lanes, and had been previously discussed in a council meeting on September 19, 2022, at the conclusion of which the council remanded an item for reconsideration by the Transportation Commission. The newly amended updates were then approved at this council meeting.

Lastly, the council reviewed an updated and modernized proposal for city personnel policies, meant to keep track with current employment laws, regulations, and benefit programs. The resolution containing these updated policies was approved unanimously by the Moscow City Council before the conclusion of the meeting.

Now, onto the Latah County Commissioners. The main highlights from this week included a series of monthly and bi-monthly meetings held with the heads of the County Departments. While the majority of these meetings tend to deal with internal matters and status reports rather than questions of policy, these are often the best meetings to attend if you as a citizen are interested in a particular area of focus within county operations. These update meetings happen on a fairly regular basis, making them easier to plan around if one is interested in attending a county meeting.

That pretty much sums up the latest from the local governments of the City of Moscow and Latah County! As always, we encourage you to seek out the relevant documents associated with each item that was dealt with this past week. And of course, if you have any questions on any particular item, let us know. Until next time!

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